The Shifting Ice
(The Galactic Pantheon #2.4) In the millennia since leaving Old Earth, humans have spread far and wide across the galaxy. An array of sub-level gods were created to deal with the expanding population, always to protect the mortals out of sight, never let a single soul distract them from their duties. Or so they thought. Dom Zhang’s day has just gone from bad to worse. Having fallen to his death while on the job, he is rescued and healed, but he also becomes the only prisoner inside an icy fortress without any exits. Rasson, the god of ice, has chosen Dom as his consort and expects the mortal to gratefully accept a place by his side. But Dom has no intention of settling down. He’s got an entire galaxy to explore before he dies and he definitely doesn’t have time to be held captive — or to contemplate the perks of marrying a god. Even if one of those perks is immortality… An M/M novella. |
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