Last of the Jedi by Jude Watson
Written approximately 15 minutes before I passed out in bed last night - Not finished yet but I'm on page 30 and I'm like "Ferus is reacting like he lost a partner-partner, not a business partner - actually the word 'partner' is being emphasised a lot???". So I checked. Author confirmed. FERUS IS QUEER. FERUSSSSSS ISSSSS QUEEEEEER. I'm so excited. Watson just became even more awesome imo for stealthily writing a queer character into the EU canon, which was famously heteronormative. I mean, I don't like everything Disney has done post-acquisition, but damn at least we get openly queer characters in the books now. I am crying rainbows rn. And also actual crying, because Ferus lost his HUSBAND. I'm seeing the whole series in an entirely new light.
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AboutAlyce Caswell, when she isn't drinking her way through a giant pot of tea, can be found dabbling in multiple genres and writing forms. She has self-published several titles in her space opera family saga, which is divided into two series: The Galactic Pantheon and The Pantheon War. Her most recent book is The Shadow of the Gods. Archives
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